
Download Vencord

How to download Vencord Apk?

Here are the steps to follow to download Vencord Apk:

  • As Vencord can be easily installed directly through web stores such as Chrome and Firefox.
  • One can download Vencord apk on Windows, linux, Mac, Browser by downloading VencordInstaller.exe .
  • Once downloaded run the app and in cases you are not able to access installer then you can use its alternative VencordInstallerCli.exe.
  • Once you are done with installing the other option run the app. You will find a terminal window open and further has to follow the simple instructions mentioned over terminal.
  • Users are advised to not to run installer in Administrator.
  • For instance, if you get a warning that this app couldn’t be opened just click the “run anyways” and you are there to start.